Jun 28th
Our AGM will be held on Monday 20th July at 6pm in our clubrooms. Pizzas and soft drinks will be provided after the AGM at approximately 7pm. At 7.30pm the committee for 2015/16 will have their first meeting. Please attend and support your club.
Paving Project
Jun 28th
Volunteers have been busy paving at Anembo. We have built retaining walls, paved underneath the new shelters and creating some paths. The lawn seed we put down before winter has done well and the area is looking good. There are plans for landscaping the area to the north of the top shelter and for some more lawn to the south of the lower shelter. By summer the area between the road and the new courts will be a great place to sit and watch the tennis. I would like to thank APC Mt Barker for their sponsorship for this project and the following people who have assisted with this project: Brendon Hone, Nathan Rohde, Sue, Neville, Blake & Ryan Hutson, Bryon, Kylie, Elise & Cameron Moult-Smith, Graham Pool, Andrew & Frank Meffle, Simon Jacobs, Greg Sandford, Jo, Eugene & Matt Casey, Brad Giffen, Chris Geue. So far there has been over 125 hours put into this project. Well done everyone
Wade Hutson