AGM Invitation
May 20th
The AGM of the Littlehampton Tennis Club is coming up on Thursday the 12th of June 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Anembo Park clubrooms. The AGM is usually short where the subs are set for the 2014/15 season, the old committee retires and a new committee is voted in for the new season.
Roles up for grabs:
- Saturday Senior Coordinator – general running of Saturday tennis.
- Secretary – handles correspondence, minutes and club paperwork
- Property Manager/s – makes sure all our equipment and facilities are in good condition
- General committee members – attend committee meetings, give input into decisions and help out where possible
We are also in need of help in the following areas. These are small ways that you can assist with the running of the club and will make a big difference!
- Sponsorship coordinator – Visit existing sponsors with renewal letters and approach potential new sponsors.
- Chocolate Drive Coordinator – Distribute numbered choc boxes to players/junior families and collect money.
- Fundraising/Social Coordinator – Organise and assist with fundraising and/or social events for the club.
- Bunnings BBQ Coordinator – Call for volunteers (through various competition coordinators), organise roster, set up and pack up BBQ gear at Bunnings.
- Trophies Coordinator – Choose and order trophies for Senior and Junior Saturday and Midweek competitions. Names will be supplied by coordinators.
We would like to see as many people attend as possible. Please show your support for our club by coming along. If you are unable to attend, perhaps you could contact me with an offer to do one of the above jobs.